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SVCAC’s Young Artists Playground (YAP) Youth Arts Education Program features interactive arts workshops, camps and after school programs for youth ages 6 -14 years old. YAP is dedicated to enriching the lives of local youth through quality arts education and performance based programs. YAP builds visual and performing arts skills through programs that foster confidence, compassion and resilience in students of all abilities. We offer opportunities for youth to develop and share their creative voices. For more information contact: Stephanie Lesh at 818-601-0582

Summer Theater Camp | Family Workshops | Monday After School Program


Musical Theater Program

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The Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center is proud to announce the Winter YAP After School Theater Program for Young Artists!

About YAP’s Monday After School Theater Program: Cultivating imagination, encouraging confidence and helping young artists find joy in self-expression. Through rehearsing and performing a musical play, students develop their own unique voice. Join us every Monday for 10 weeks at the Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center where students will learn about and develop their part of this incredible Fall Theater Event.  

For more information, contact Stephanie Lesh at 818-601-0582

MARCH 31 - June 9, 2025

The CAC's YAP 2025 Spring After School Musical Play:  A Midsummer Night's Dream. About A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Four young friends get lost in a magical forest, where mischievous fairies try to help—but only make things more confusing! Throw in a love potion, a fairy king and queen arguing over a kid, and a goofy actor who suddenly grows donkey ears and becomes the fairy queen’s crush… and you’ve got A Midsummer Night’s Dream—a silly, magical adventure full of love, laughs, and mischief! 

10 week long after school session
March 31 - June 9, 2025 (No class on 5/26 Memorial Day)
3:30 pm – 6 pm
$350 for 10 weeks

* Please note that when registering your young artist/s, you must put the participating child's/children's first and last name in required field in the registration form.




June 16 - August 2, 2025

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About YAP: SVCAC’s Young Artists Playground (YAP) Youth Arts Education Program features interactive arts workshops, camps and after school programs for youth ages 5-16 years old. YAP is dedicated to enriching the lives of local youth through quality arts education and performance based programs. YAP builds visual and performing arts skills through programs that foster confidence, compassion and resilience in students of all abilities.

Young Artists Playground Summer Theater Camp:

Theater Arts offers children an opportunity to envision, create, set goals, collaborate and have fun! During our 7 week camp, young artists will be creating an original play with our camp instructors to be performed at the end of the camp on the MainStage theater at the Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center. In addition, guest artists in the entertainment industry will be visiting each week to help campers understand all aspects of theater and what it takes to bring a production from their imagination to the stage.

For more information please call Stephanie Lesh at 818-601-0582 or email her at

* Please note that when registering your young artist/s, you must put the participating child's/children's first and last name in required field in the registration form.


Monday - Friday 10 AM to 3 PM


Week One: What is theater? Through theater games and activities with an emphasis on improvisation, this week is all about letting your creativity shine! Special Guest Artist in sound and lighting design will be joining us to show everyone around the space and talk about what happens backstage to put on a production.

Week Two: Story telling. Games and activities geared toward telling and retelling stories in different forms, campers will learn about the various ways we tell stories. Campers will start the exciting process of writing an original play. Special Guest Artist in costume design will be joining us to show campers all about costuming.

Week Three: Music and movement. This week campers will spend much of the time on music, movement and dance. Learning how music and movement can play a huge part in bringing a show to life. Special Guest Artist in music and voice will be joining us to share tips and techniques of the trade.

Week Four: Character development. All great theater involves great characters. This week campers will be creating using the process of characterization. Creating characters of our own and using them in various forms of theatrical play. Special Guest Artist in make-up design will be joining us to show campers the special techniques used in creating a character for the stage.

Week Five: Setting the stage. This week is all about bringing stories to life. Campers will be learning about props and putting together set pieces for theater. Special Guest Artist in visual arts will show campers how visual art plays a huge role in theater from building scale models to painting life size set pieces.

Week Six and Seven: Putting it all together. Rehearsals for our original play, which will take place on the main stage at SVCAC at the end of the week, will be our main focus. We will be in final tech and dress rehearsals. In order to participate on stage in the Final Show, campers must be signed up for at least five weeks of camp including the final two weeks.

Monday - Friday
10 AM - 3 PM     
June 16 - August 2, 2025
Performance Dates: August 1 & 2
Cost for 7 weeks Early Bird: $850.00
Cost for 7 weeks after April 1st: $975.00


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